Lon Milo DuQuette At The Buckland Museum


Lon Milo DuQuette At The Buckland Museum!

Out of stock



Saturday, November 9th, 2024.
The Ceremonial Magician is armed with four magical weapons:
* The Wand (representing the element Fire and the Magician’s Will);
* The Cup (representing the element Water and the magician’s Heart and ability to love and be loved);
* The Sword (representing the element Air and the magician’s Mind and powers of intellect); and
* The Disk, or Pantacle (representing Earth and the magician’s body. and the objective ‘realities’ of the worlds in which he or she must operate.
The Pantacle is the “YOU ARE HERE” map of the magician’s initiatory journey. It is the first weapon the magician must design and create. It is the magician’s workshop world. Its design must contain absolutely everything in heaven and earth: every concept, every God, every spirit, every element, everything in heaven and earth — everything from Godhead toYourhead.

Join author and magician, Lon Milo DuQuette, as he playfully reveals how his Pantacle (on display at the Buckland Museum) reveals (to him at least) how everything in heavens and earth is connected to everything else in heaven and earth. You might even get an idea or two about your own magical Pantacle.
We will have copies of Lon’s books in stock.
Saturday, November 9th, 2024. 7:30pm. Doors will open for the public at 6:45pm. Please do not arrive earlier.
In Person at:
Buckland Museum
2155 Broadview Rd
Cleveland, Ohio
PLEASE NOTE: Tickets are non-refundable. There will be no physical tickets sent out. Your name used at check out will be on the attendee list.